Video - La NBC consacre un reportage aux Enfants de la Creuse

Rédigé le Jeudi 27 Juillet 2017 à 16:53 | 0 commentaire(s)

La chaîne d'informations américaine NBC consacre actuellement sur son site et ses réseaux sociaux un documentaire sur le dossier des Enfants de la Creuse.

Synopsis du documentaire en anglais

Why did the French government help steal children from a remote island and force them into adoption Between the mid-60s and early 80s, nearly 2,000 children from the French colony of la Réunion were forcibly sent to rural France in a government effort to combat mass migration. Many of them where never told where they came from, or who their real parents were, and decades later, they’re still trying to piece together their origins.

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Le reportage est aussi disponible sur la page Facebook NBC Left Field


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